Sunday 20 August 2017

Im finally back 

hello you lot its me again!!!!! I AM BACK FOR GOOD!! well ya know i thought i'd come give my fave people a visit since i left you lot FOR A YEAR! im very veryyyy veryyy sorry im not as awkwardly disabled as I was before but lolssss! I am happier in life now than my last post everything with my family is x1000000000 better because my mums getting re-married so that slayssss! <3 i love my mother very much, dont you? i miss my father very much, dont you? lolssss! Anywayssssssssssssssss, emough about me hows you lot doinggg? I am just doing some randomness, like i dont even know what i am saying anymore, because im disabled , kidding! not something to talk about kids, okay bye now.
girlOnline, goingOffline xxx

Wednesday 20 July 2016


Hey guys! GirlOnline here! I'm not in the greatest of moods today :( I cant tell you why but its like super upsetting for me and my family :( Why does life have to be so mean to some people especially me! Life right now is just hard and I cant face the world so My life is CRAP! C.R.A.P! CRAP! Literally.I don't really like talking about things like this bu I guess i will have to say hello...AGAIN! Well, blogs make me feel good about myself and I like blogs because It helps you get over life problems like MINE! D: So I guess life has done this for a good reason, I guess well how is it a good reason if it makes me upset but GOD obviously wants this to happen because he maybe wants them to have a better life i don't know, Just life confuses me sometimes *Thinks* Why do i keep saying 'life' so much *stops thinking!* So im bored now, oh btw its 6:04 PM and life is alright at this precise moment but it will soon get worse so yah! Imma say bye now but i will see you all soon!
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee guys! Love you! Gimme sum support in this terrible time (slang bruv)

-GirlOnline, GoingOffline x

Tuesday 5 April 2016



Hey Guys GirlOnline here this is my first ever blog post(Exciting!).And my name is kelsey and i have a youtube channel!.This blog will be for you guys to comment your feelings and any questions you guys want about your life and about anything! I will tell you exciting things going on in my life, of course its a blog, and hopefully you guys will enjoy reading my blog. I also play roblox my username is bluebubbleMsp and i have a instagram the same name as my roblox username! Right now im bored its 10:41 (in the UK) and i have nothing to do so i decided to make a blog! well, since i have nothing to talk about I'm going to go! 
-GirlOnline, Going Offlline x